Roulette Dozens Progression

by admin

Sex roulette chat with random strangers or someone you know on Porn Roulette. Play xxx roulette for some nude roulette chat action! Re: 2 dozen progression. Also post 8 will explain the Similarity between betting the Evens & The Dozens.

  • URS (URS 1.0.exe). URS (Ultimate Roulette System ) is a single Dozen bet roulette betting gambling strategy software system. The program uses a single dozen bet strategy, incorporates a stake.
  • On this page you can find several systems that can be used on dozens and columns.
Roulette dozens progression meaning

Please if you can watch the 11 minute video as the Creator Peter explains

some important points if you want to play online Roulette.


What do you need to win £20.00 day at online roulette?

Watch the video, Peter will tell you, and it is not hard.

Roulette Dozens Strategy


by Peter Preston creator of this Roulette Key Gold

It is in fact one of the fairest forms of gambling.

You can bet on more or less even chances Black/Red High/Low Odd/Even, Two to one chances on dozens rows columns or neighbours, 35-1 chances on single numbers and every combination in between.

It is in fact one of the easiest games to play but one of the hardest to understand. On average any number should turn up every 37 spins you are offered odds of 35-1 , yet if a number hasn't appeared for 300 times you are still offered the same odds!

Would you offer them?

Of course not but you'd probably take them.

It's very easy to lose on the stock/currency/commodity exchanges, it's even easier to lose on a horse race but Roulette offers fair odds with no chance of insider dealing , doping or other such practices.

People ask me about 'My System' to be honest I haven't written any systems but in my program RouletteKeyGold I do use tried and tested systems. Let's face it for a game that's been around 300 years or so I doubt anyone comes up with anything new.

Practically all the systems I advocate are from the book * 'The Winning Rules Although it dates from 1905 its techniques are excellent and now by using computers we can use such techniques to our advantage.

* 'The Winning Rules' rarely suggests increasing stakes whereas most systems today rely on the practice of increasing a bet after a loss. They are given all sorts of fancy names: Sniper, Robber, Bandit, Fibonacci, Ultimate, Holy Grail, Ultimate etc. etc.

But most wait for something to happen (or not) then increase bets. One system I read recently took 111 pages to tell you to pick 7 random even chance outcomes then bet on these, increasing your bets if you lose.

Fair enough, most people will win most of the time but how can you ensure you're not the one that loses? You can't! You are told only to bet on 'live' casinos so even with 1 spin a minute it would take a minimum of 1 hour to recover a loss, and if you lose it on an rng casino you'll be told you should play live.

Including the zero there are 37 numbers on the Roulette wheel it is impossible to bet on all of them and win. There is one method (The Capitalist System) of betting on 36 numbers (including the zero) and winning every time. But should the unlucky number appear it will take a long time to recover.

Another sold by SP for $99 tells you to bet 2 units on the last colour, 1 on the last dozen and one on the last row again increasing your bets if you lose.

A somewhat similar system 'The Rational system' in the Winning Rules suggests betting on the last number, dozen. odd/even, high/low, red/black but for no more than 37 spins or reaching a target of 20 units, it does not advocate increasing stakes!

Another system advises you to bet on a single number increasing your stake every time you lose your capital. Of course this will work most of the time but what happens if the number you pick sleeps for over 300 spins !* To summarise most systems are rubbish some are free some cost thousands but if they boil down to a progression you will lose.

In fact I guarantee the longer you play the more likely you are to lose!

The answer is to play systematically using Roulette Key Gold you have an arsenal of techniques available to you, you don't need a super-power memory, that will memorise every section of the wheel or table, every even chance every dozen, you've got a computer, why not use it?

The only thing you need is common sense and the nerve to stop while ahead, you may play for minutes or hours.

The fact is you nearly always win early on and what do you do ? most of us are tempted to keep going, that's why most people lose. On the other hand if you are strong willed you will stop while ahead. I can't make you win but I can help you lose less!

Although many if not most of the above clients are using RNG casinos I have written this program for live play.

I'm not really much of a gambler and have an uneasy feeling about RNG casinos, can you believe you bets don't have any bearing on what comes up?

If you're sceptical why not play for small (1p) stakes and see how well you could do. You can even try the systems on practice sites without any risk whatsoever!

This is the first of several recordings where use Roulette Key Gold to identify suitable bets. I had meant to start with £10.00 but accidentally made a small win before I started recording. (Oh dear, what a pity, never mind).

* The Winning Rules or Roulette Practically Considered by Sperienza, London:Harrison & sons 45, Pall Mall - 1905
* Roulette for the Millions, Patrick O'Neil-Dunne, Regenery - 1971

Let the public Speak of their thoughts of the Roulette Key Gold

42 Different clients have decided to email Peter

to express their pleasure with the software.

I have installed RouletKeyGold my experience is fantastic so easy to use. I have used touch screen and pen both work like a dream.

Hi peter, ive been playing roullette on evolution gaming on the Dragonara table With great success on you program.

Hi i would just like to thank you for your program, I went in live game last Sunday and as from then i'm up £2160,

Just took £200 in 1hour 30 there on the finals. Progression went up to £31 per spot at the end of the session.

I went to Royal Panda playing on RNG 10p minimums and it's been going great. I am just waiting for the 18 sleepers and playing them. The most spins it has took me for my hit is 3, so that is not to bad. I started with £20 and I'm up to £54.

I put £20 in today and I'm up to £33

'I had a look at Supercasino live at 1030 pm last night. There is approx. a 50 second window to place the bets which can be done comfortably even with 3 x 32 stakes. I did 25 spins, on the 5th spin I was advised to change systems as I had won +20 with no draw down.I carried on and finished +78 with the largest draw down at -15.'

Yesterday I invested 50 Euro and played the infallible and ended up with 270 Euro! Play time was about 30-45 minutes. Unit size was 1 Euro – so 220 units plus! Amazing result!

RKG made my life so much easier, I only wish I had had the use of it 20 years ago

This morning i opened rkg and played croupiers, rational and neighbouring bets amongst others, it worked great and i built up 124 units in 78 spins, the hidden dozen came in on 3rd and life is bliss

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TURNED £150 INTO £1300!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD THIS IS SOOOOO GOOD!! some honest feedback for you here winningrouletteplayer the most spins i had before a hidden dozen came out was 5 spins! ever miss i doubled my stake (hence £150) but like 3 or 4 times my number came up in like 1-3 spins!!!! such a good system :::)))))))

this year alone I have probably only played about 50% of the time that I normally play and I am still in profit by £1400.

Just want to let you know how my first day with the rational system was going I played on rng at William Hill and made one spin and activated the system and I won one all sessions within 10-15 spins. One losing session. I played only 20 minutes or so and made over 200€ So far so good I would say:)

This is the only system I have bought,that,is showing,impressive,astounding results,far and beyond what I could ever have believed,or imagined. After using your software for such a very short amount of time,I have OCTARUPLED [x8] my starting bankroll,I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT.
I have never been able to win this massive amount in such a short period[24 HOURS],let alone overcome any RNG roulette game..

Firstly I would like to advise of how well the reset of the finals is working for me!
I have made an absolute fortune from this system!

had great success today using the new updated version

just a very quick e-mail to let you know the update (new cursor) works perfectly well with Windows 8 on my desktop pc - thanks very much for sorting it.


I found that on super Casino it worked well

Many thanks Peter. I have been around the Roulette world for years and what you say all makes sense

Peter what you have here is the cream of the crop.

Out of all the roulette systems I have bought to date ,none not one compares or even comes near to the results I am achieving using this software of yours,at the moment I only have 2 words for it. SIMPLY BRILLIANT..........................

Great service and alot of effort gone into product. Excellent

i have been into roulette for some time now. analysed all the systems, read all the books etc. but online RNG is very hard to crack. but you seem to have got something through sheer hard work, and its not just stock standard

I have set it up and had a go on play mode because at the time I didn't want to lose any money, well I didn't have to worry because I won on that casino.I thought just luck so I tried another casino and I won on that one as well. Well impressed with it!

I have played two 100 spin sessions and made a profit both times and I am very please with the program / system, I can see that a lot of hard work has gone into it..

It worked fine

I think your software is very impressive and very useful

Excellent Software & A Very helpful Chap. Thanks!

First class product with first class support........Thank You.

it does look very promising !

you come across as a very genuine myself ,which is nice to see in these 'dishonest' times!

I love your program and I have made good gains using it,it saves a helluva lot of time for me.

the program worked terrific!

i have made a good profit

i think that your program is very good

well done you should be proud of the product and honest service

I opened an account with bet365 with £75 . I played for a long time and got up to £560!!!

Hi Peter, Just turned £20 bank into £113 in 150 spins on BET365 roulette

Took about another £60 from Betfair this morning

Turned a £20 bank on Betfair into £84 last night

Although all of the above statements are genuine, I do not condone long periods of play, I'm happy to increase my bank by 10-20% each time and rarely play for more than 20 minutes or so, but I can't argue with my customers! However, remember it is gambling, I can help you win more (or I can help you lose less) but I can make no unrealistic guarantees (I leave that to others).

What is the Roulette Key Gold Software?

It is a windows based software to record the numbers from roulette table spins, then it prompts you on the type of bets that should be made to get the maximum chance of winning.

You can run the software on the same computer that you are accessing the online casino.

This software is jammed with many different winning systems, that will be prompted to you when the numbers have been missing for a certain amount of spins.

What are you getting?

1. Licence for ONE computer for 12 months of Roulette Key Gold.

This is a windows base software, so you will need windows on your computer.

2. Online Roulette: The Winning Rules. By Peter Preston, the creator of Roulette Key Gold.

This is a PDF, and it explains the systems that are included in the Software.

The pdf covers the following.

Plus links to many youtube video's showing Peter using real money to show have the systems work.

OK, tell to get involved and turn a money burning pastime into a much more guided assault on the tables.

And turn the tables into your favour!


UK Pounds


12 month licence.

re occurring billing cancel anytime you like.



Steve Davidson

Roulette 2 Dozen Progression

In fact, users who previously purchased Triplex 1.0 know that the 'Blind' and 'Blind+' betting systems were available in the previous version.
The problem is that at that time I talked about the 'Blind' system as a promising one, but did not give sufficient explanations and instructions for using this tool. Therefore, it turned out that this betting system was left unattended by users...
But this time I fixed it and am ready to provide you with a strategy for playing with this tool. Powerful new
Triplex 2.0 algorithms combined with the 'Blind' betting system give such impressive results that they can surprise the most experienced players (including myself!).
With the necessary bankroll amount, this system is able to get out of any drawdowns, which are very rare at the same time (again thanks to
Triplex 2.0 algorithms).
In the following video I show the work of the program in ADAPTIVE 2.0 mode using a special strategy with the 'Blind' betting system (continuation of the previous session on live auto-roulette):
Starting bank:
Starting bet:
5 (5 + 5 - game on 2 dozens/clolumns)
Final bank:
2000 (profit +500)
Betting system:
If you pay attention, near the end of the session there was just a rather deep drawdown, with which the program confidently coped. But also, by the way, the drawdown itself seems deep in this case only because the game is played with minimal bank for this system. The optimal balance for a comfortable game should be 1.5 - 2 times more (with an initial bet of 5 + 5)...